Sans Forgetica - A Font To Remember?

Happy Almost Summer! 

I will continue blogging during the summer and I've been pretty busy posting this year. You can visit and catch up on some of my posts at any time. If you are at ISTE, Samri Teacher Camp, or the Southland Learning Conference this summer, I'd love a high five

I know I have a longer post in me about how our brains work and how this connects to teaching and learning, but it is the last day of school . . . . If you know what I mean? It's a busy day, so this is all I have for today.

Up today is an interesting font that I stumbled on the other day. It is designed to help your brain remember more as you are reviewing notes or reading something. What do you think?

Sans Forgetica is a font designed using the principles of cognitive psychology to help you to better remember your study notes.
It was created by a multidisciplinary team of designers and behavioural scientists from RMIT University.
Sans Forgetica is compatible with both PC and Mac operating systems. Download it for free today, or keep scrolling to learn more about how it was made. 
You can download an "OpenType" font file on the site. There is also a Chrome Extension that lets you convert on-screen text to Sans Forgetica

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