Google Forms - A Quiz You Can't Fail Using Branching in Google Forms

I've long been a huge fan of Google forms for exit slips, surveys, and formative assessments. For me, it is one of the easiest tools to efficiently engage my students in reflective learning and assessments. I've even dabbled with using Google forms as a HyperDoc.

Another great feature of Google Forms is the ability direct learners to different sections of the form based on the answer chosen in a multiple choice question. This is a great way to support differentiated learning experiences. Students can be directed to a statement, video, website or other digital resource based on the answer they choose. 

Instant PD - Moments of Learning Awe

Some Almost Instant PD for my PLN in 2021 - 2022
Reflections On Moments of Awe Connected to Teaching and Learning Conferences

Near the end of the METS Conference in November, I was thinking about how I might better reflect on my learning experiences. I know that I need to make time reflect or too often I forget an idea or resource that would be great for my learners.

I’ve also always believed that the more you share the more you learn so I’ve always shared my conference notes with my PLN but I think I can do more. So, I am starting to create a document to reflect on and share some of my Learning Moments of Awe.

Curiosity Resource - Recollection Road

I've been exploring curiosity and resources to help students be more curious recently. I've posted a few sets of resources and updated my curiosity site.

Today I wanted to share a YouTube Channel I discovered that I think I will find ways to use with students to inspire curiosity and inquiry. I think that at the very least some of these videos would be hooks or set inductions for some of our class topics or curious brain breaks.

Recommended Podcasts Connected to Curiosity and Inquiry

My PLN has been helping me explore some Podcasts connected to curiosity and inquiry and I just wanted to share the list. I have not had the time to dive deeply into all of these, so let me know if you have any thoughts about this list in the comments below.

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