Recommended Book of the Week - In Other Words: Quotes that Push Our Thinking

The best educators are not content to do the same old thing year after year. Innovative educators push their thinking by engaging in social media, exploring blogs, attending conferences, and exploring the newest generation of educational books.

We've created a Recommended Educational Book Site to organize and share some great books connected to teaching and learning.

As part of my Summer Break Professional Development Exploration, I will share a new book that I am reading this summer each Monday. I am hoping to engage in a new book each week until we head back to school in August.

Up this week is In Other Words: Quotes that Push Our Thinking by Rachelle Dene Poth

Teddy Roosevelt once said, “I am a part of everything I have read.” When Rachelle read his quote, it greatly resonated with her because of her love of quotes and the impact they can have in our lives. In Other Words is a book full of inspirational and thought-provoking quotes that have pushed her thinking, inspired her, and given her strength when she needed it. The book shares stories around the importance of growing ourselves as educators, knowing our why, as well as learning from and embracing failures and taking risks with learning so we can become our best selves for those we lead and learn with. There are stories shared by educators with different backgrounds and different perspectives. Rachelle's own experiences and interpretations and the educator vignettes shared by her PLN (Personal or Professional Learning Network) will hopefully push your thinking, inspire you, and provide whatever it is that you need. Her hope is that by sharing their stories, it will inspire you to share yours.

Rachelle Dene Poth has also collaborated on The EduMatch Teacher's Recipe Guide: Survive and Thrive in the Kitchen and Beyond, Gamify Literacy: Boost Comprehension, Collaboration and Learning, and Stories in EDU.

If you are looking for additional Summer Professional Development resources be sure to visit the Summer Learning - Growing as a Teacher and a Learner post. 

You can also explore the Know Your Why Blog to see our past book recommendations.

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