Question of the Week - Things That Make You Go Hmmm?

Questions Are More Important Than Answers!

Don't get me wrong, I love to solve problems and discover answers, but too often the joy of discovery is short lived when finding the answer is an endpoint. I always hope to find answers that lead to more curious questions. In my world, the best questions lead to more questions before, during, and after my exploration of the original question.

Why am I sharing this?

Today, I was inspired by ESPN's Golic and Wingo Show to start something new on Tuesdays. I was listening to the radio on my way to work and they were playing a game that had something to do with NBA ping pong balls, questions, and candy this question came up: 

If you could only listen to one musical group for the rest of your life, who would it be? Why?
My first thought was that this is a great question. I didn't know who I would pick, so this led me to ask more questions about who and why I would chose my musical group. I asked my office mates the same question and our conversation led us further down a path of exploration and discovery connected to why each of us would make the choices we would make. This one question led us to so many great questions and answers. I was smiling ear to ear. 

I will be asking my students the same question today. My guess is their musical preferences will lead me in a different direction. 

I don't know that this new idea of a question a week on my blog will lead to new innovations, or even how long it will last. I am hoping that it inspires brainstorming, conversations, and creative exploration for anyone who reads this post. I am also hoping we can have some fun with it. 

Each Tuesday I will share a question that I hope will inspire you to share your thoughts and maybe explore something new. Please share your answer and your why in the comments below or using the Hashtag 

If you have a great question that I can ask, please DM me on Twitter. Full credit will be given for all questions that I share. 

I don't want to bias your choices so I will share my exploration and final answer and why in the comments on Friday. 


  1. If I could only listen to one band for the rest of my life, I would choose to listen to The Beatles. From Please, Please Me in 1963 to Abbey Road in 1969, The Beatles music transformed. This provides a variety of music styles to listen to as the music changed throughout their time as a band.

    1. Great choice. This is one we discussed this morning! Love you why! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I’d have to choose the Grateful Dead. They are arguably the most documented artist of all time so I would have access to a variety of music from the 60’s through the 90’s. I’ve really been thinking about how, musically, they represent the growth mindset better than any band I can think of in regards to live music performances. If the equipment didn’t exist, they created it and helped push the boundaries of how we experience live music.

    1. This has been a popular choice in my school. I love that you connected this to a growth mindset! Thanks for sharing!

  3. The Eagles. To me they represent consistency in creativity. A niche music, that belongs to them only and yet survived the transition of genre over the years. It’s difficult to be creative throughout a career which is as single-pathed as that of a musician but the Eagles have done that, at least to me. They trigger the same level of curiosity with each concert as they did 40 years ago when I first listened to them.

    1. Great choice. We have had some discussions about the Eagles and I don't think you can go wrong with this choice. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Depeche Mode: Even though they aren't my all time favorite band, I enjoy them and if I have to pick one band forever, I would want some variety. They have been putting out good albums since 1982 and have changed enough through time to mix things up enough for me to have a variety of styles to listen to. I hope John doesn't take offense to this statement, but I think of Depeche Mode as the alternate music equivalent to the Grateful Dead. They both transformed music in their own way for decades, but the groupies of DM wear a lot less color.

    1. Great choice and I love your why. Thanks for sharing. Depeche Mode is one of my favorites and in is in the running for my choice.

  5. I think I'd have to answer Foo Fighters. Growth over time in adding more members to the band (collaboration!), I feel like I grew up with them-- alot of their lyrics have personal relevance to me and a deep enough catalog that I'd have lots to explore.

    Also like that you went with a "non content area" question to open this effort!

    1. Thanks Ben. I have never dived to deep into Foo Fighters, but you have inspired me to explore more.


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