Inspirational and Motivational Learning Video Challenge

You Matter More Than You Know!
It has been an interesting year to say the least and I know some of my teaching friends have struggled with the world we are living in today. I've read quite a few posts and stories about teachers struggling to stay motivated. I've even talked to some teachers who are thinking about leaving the profession. This breaks my heart.

It's not all bad! There are many great educators doing incredible things to inspire and motivate learners during these unique times and I want to do my part. With this in mind, I am challenging my PLN to share videos or quotes connected to teaching and learning. The goal is to inspire and motivate our teaching friends. #BetterTogether

I think the rules our simple. 
  1. Find a video or quote that puts a positive spin on being a teacher and lifelong learner. What inspires and motivates you? 
  2. Share the quote or video using the #ShareYouWhy hashtag and any additional teaching and learning hashtags you love. 
  3. It is ok to share more than once. The more the better!
  4. Feel share to explain why the quote or video matters or leave it open to interpretation. 
If you need some inspiration or want to dive in before sharing, I've started this YouTube Playlist and I will also start to work on a Wakelet Collection of Shared Quotes.

Know Your Why!

1 comment:

  1. This is just amazing & i hope the work you are doing will help teachers to stay motivated who are planning to quit their profession. Thank you for sharing :)


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