Digital Literacy for Teachers and Learners - #DigLitCon 2021


#DigLitCon is less than a month away. I am looking forward to learning and exploring with some incredible educators.  More than ever I believe we need to engage students in digital literacy, media literacy, SEL, and digital citizenship.

We are connected to the world like never before, but the world also has unprecedented access to us. Navigating the digital world and building digital literacy skills is an essential skill for all learners.
ISTE Student Standard 2: Digital Citizen Students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

Today, I wanted to share some resources we've compiled to support teachers and learners build essential skills for digital learning and digital life.
Something is added to our digital tattoo almost every time we are online. I like this analogy because once we share something with the digital world it is very hard to erase it, just like it is hard to remove a tattoo. Good or bad, our online resume is part of us now & forever.

I will be sharing the Google Applied Digital Skills Lessons and Resources. We've also been busy building this hub of Media Literacy, Digital Literacy, and Digital Citizenship

We know there is a quite a bit on the site, so if you just want to quickly explore some of my PLN's favorite resources, please keep reading.

Featured Books Connected to Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy
Featured Digital Citizenship & Digital Literacy Resources
Social Emotional Learning Resources

What resources will you use to support digital literacy and citizenship in your classrooms?

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