Take a Brain Break - Reboot the Noggin!

Sometimes your brain just needs a break from the hard stuff. As we wind down the school year I just wanted to share a few digital resources to take a break and have a little fun.

All Study and No Play Makes Your Brain a Dull Place to Be
Research shows that taking purposeful breaks (anywhere from 5–60 minutes) from studying to refresh your brain and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.

Keep in mind: social media doesn’t work well as a “purposeful break” Instead, find activities that give your mind a break and allow you to breathe deeply, laugh, move your body, be creative, or “zone out” on purpose. These kinds of activities will help you re-energize and re-focus.

I would start with a walk or a good stretch, but if you need something to reset your brain, here are a few fun digital resources to give your brain a break.

Explore the last 25 years of search in the interactive Most Searched Playground. Google recently released an amazing "Where's Waldo" style Google Doodle. Challenge yourself to find all 25 of the most-searched people, places, and moments from the past 25 years.

Play a Game in the Amazing World of Google Arts and Culture. You can just browse some inspiring artwork or play one of the many amazing games. There are some amazing games, crosswords, puzzles, drawings, and more to explore.

Additional Brain Break Resources

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