Supporting the 4Cs in Learner-Centered Classrooms - Communication

Communication - Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students will:
  • Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
  • Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
  • Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
  • Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

“We speak not only to tell other people what we think, but to tell ourselves what we think. Speech is a part of thought.” ― Oliver Sacks

I believe that content should support the development of student skills connected to the 4 Cs or collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. 

Interested in tools to share your story? or are you are interested in resources and tools to support student communication skills, then we have this document for your exploration.

Have an additional resource or want to share how you use one of the tools? Visit this Communication Padlet to share or post a reply in the comments below.


  1. Steve, thanks for always being one of my favorite sharers! I love your work w/the 4 Cs'. How does your team deal w/student data privacy? I get nervous whenever I click on a tool (like Verso), and it wants to "manage" my Classroom classes, Classroom rosters,& my Drive files. It also wants to view my Ss profiles & emails. Our district is very conservative, and student data privacy is a top concern. I'm all for the tools, but I also want to follow our guidelines. Thoughts?

  2. Hi Rachel,
    This is a tough balancing act. My best advice is that when in doubt, steer clear of a tool. I vet everything that I use through Common Sense Media.

  3. THsnks for your help and ideas- I’m moving our school in this direction.

  4. Hi. So how do u use the texting tool??
    Do u get the kids to give u their cell numbers??
    How frequently do u txt??
    Do u just txt assignment reminders? Or test scores? Or cheerleader type msgs to get them to turn in work

    1. I use Remind and it is optional for my students/parents. I only use it for what I call big announcements. This could be something I forgot to share in class or a reminder for something I consider important. I do know some teachers who use if for daily messages, but when I talk to kids about this they tell me that they prefer not to get regular messages from me.

  5. You always have a plethora of resources! Thank you for always having the tools in such a user-friendly platform. I especially like the simple explanations of the resources on page 2 and 3. Many of these resources are either new to me or have been forgotten. Much appreciated! Thank you, Steve.

    1. Thanks, let me know if you have any suggestions.


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