Avatar Creation Resources for Teachers and Students

First I want to apologize for not blogging as much as I should in 2019. It's been a busy year for a variety of reasons and I have not done a great job prioritizing everything that is important to me. I am making a commitment to blog at least once a week for 2020 and I am starting early with this post.

I always like to welcome my students back with a Reboot the Noggin Activity to start the New Year. I think it is important to get students reflecting and creating after a long break. I am still working on my 2020 New Year's Welcome Back HyperDoc and my Let's Start 2020 With One Word HyperDoc. I won't use both of these, but I am hoping one of these might have something other educators can use or modify for their students

Today I wanted to share my Avatar Creation Resources connected to these activities.


I've always tried to emphasize how important creating is for learning and I think students taking the time to create an avatar that represents how they see themselves is a great exercise in creativity, communication, and critical thinking.

How Can an Avatar Positively Impact Your Digital Footprint?

You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”― Maya Angelou

Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I will post my updated Meme Creation Resources and the Welcome to 2020 HyperDocs soon. Happy 2020! 

If you are looking for more ideas to bring creativity into your classroom, I highly recommend these books.
I create to learn and everything I create is free under the Creative Commons License.
If you would like to support my creative work now and in the future, please consider donating any amount.

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for the avatar Google docs! It is perfect for the recent shift to online :)A


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