Google Chrome QR Code Creator - "Create QR Code for This Page"


Since the demise of the shortcut creator we've recommended a variety of QR code generators for our teachers. Some of these have worked well, some not so well. With this in mind I was excited to see that the most recent Chrome Browser update brings a built in QR Code Generator. It is a great way to quickly share a site with students or download and create a QR code scavenger hunt. Scan the QR code above to see it in action.

Here's how it works. (If you don't see this in your Chrome, you may need to update Chrome or ask your school Google Admin to activate this feature.) 
  1. Open a web page in Chrome.
  2. Click on the URL (web address) window and you should see a few options on the right. The middle box is the QR code generator. 
  3. Click on the box and a pop up will the QR code to the site your are on will appear. You can display this on a projector or download as a PNG file that can printed or added to a Doc, Website, Slides or something else.
Pretty cool? Let me know if you have any questions or share how you could use this with students in the comments below.

You can also right click on a webpage and choose "Create QR code for this page." to create the code.

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