You’ve won a contest and your complete wardrobe will be provided and updated for the next 10 years. The catch is you are only allowed to choose 2 colors. That's two colors for everything you wear for the next 10 years. Which 2 colors would you choose to wear every day? What does your color choices say about you?
This week's question is dedicated to the incredible educators attending the ISTE Conference next week.
What is the 1 thing that you love the most about teaching & learning? Why?
Please share your answer and your why in the comments below or using the Hashtag #CuriosityQs. Please also share with the #ISTE18 Hashtag this week. Each Tuesday I will share a new question that I hope will inspire you to share your thoughts and maybe explore something new.
You can also share in our Share Your Why FlipGrid this week.
(Password: ShareYourWhy)
If you have a great question that I can ask, please DM me on Twitter. Full credit will be given for all questions that I share that are not my own.