If you don't know why you are doing something connected to teaching and learning, why are you still doing it? Join us as we explore resources to help educators and students grow as leaners. #LifelongLearning #BetterTogether #HappyLearning #AlwaysLearning
Top Takeaways From #IDEAcon & #TCEA Virtual Conference - PLN Style
Reading Vine - Improve Reading Skills With These Free Passages
Create Your Own Art - Google Arts and Culture Experiment
I fallen down the rabbit hole that is Google Arts and Culture Experiments. I've already shared Puzzle Party and Blob Opera this week. Today I wanted to share an experiment that allows anyone to create their own art in an interactive digital learning environment.
Digital Learning Day 2021 and Google Applied Digital Skills
Blob Opera - Creative Brain Breaks for Students and Teachers
Turing Tumble - Build Marble-Powered Computers and More STEM Toys
Learning with Google - A Summary of the New Google For Education (Workspace?) Updates and Resources
Google Chrome QR Code Creator - "Create QR Code for This Page"
Modeling Lifelong Learning - Twitter Hashtags for Curious Educators
There are many great ways to grow as a teacher and learner. Social media has made all the difference in my growth and there are quite a few great social media resources to explore and share. I think twitter hashtags are still one of the easiest and most efficient ways to engage in a digital learning experiences connected to teaching and learning.
New Google Classroom Video Series - Awesome Tips and Ideas for Educators
Digital Whiteboards Resources for Teachers and Students
Whiteboards can be powerful tools to engage students in both remote and classroom learning experiences. Today I wanted to share a couple of digital whiteboard resources recommended by my PLN.
SEL, Digital Literacy, and Digital Citizenship Resources for Teachers and Learners
TCEA + IDEAcon Keynote Speakers & Thought Leader Resources
Google Arts & Culture Puzzle Party
Happy Friday Videos to Inspire and Engage Students
I have to be honest, this statement is not me. My favorite day of the week is Monday! I think it is because I love teaching and learning as much as I do. Mondays to me are about new beginnings and new chances to learn with my students. I love being and educator!
I am always reminding myself that no matter how much I love my content, the most important thing in my classroom is that I provide my students with opportunities to grow as humans. I understand my responsibility to engage students in content, but I try to remember that it is not the only thing my students need. This post is about one way that I use videos to engage my students as lifelong learners.
My TCEA & IDEAcon Virtual Conference Resources
Black History Month Resources for Teachers and Learners
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